Thank you for registering!
To finalize the schedule, please select the day and time slots that work best for you. I have created a Google spreadsheet with a few options.
Please add your name to the table and indicate your preference using the following numbers:
1 = "Best timeslot"
2 = "Okay, not ideal, but manageable"
3 = "Difficult, but I’ll make it work"
4 = "Not possible, sorry"
If there’s a specific time slot that isn’t listed, feel free to add it to the table, and the rest of us can vote on it. Looking forward to starting this journey together!
Next steps
If you have any questions or wish to speak with me directly, you can schedule a call by clicking the button below.
To prepare for the sessions, stay tuned for further updates via email. In the meantime, feel free to follow me on social media for more insights and updates: